Bank Audit Support
Has your bank been in touch to review your AML compliance program?
We can support you to help keep your bank account open. Many banks have determined that art businesses are high-risk clients. Unless they are satisfied that you have a robust AML compliance program in place, they will either shut your existing account or not allow you to open a new one. This has been evident in the UK for the past several years and became a reality with some banks in the U.S. starting around 2023.
They will expect you to have in place: 1) AMP registration if you are a UK or EU business whose jurisdiction requires being registered with the supervisory body; 2) AML Risk Assessment and Policy; 3) AML Training; and 4) Customer Due Diligence.

Supporting you with compliance
To date, we have had 100% success supporting art businesses in keeping bank accounts open and opening new ones. Beware, though: simply signing up for our services is not sufficient.
Based on our knowledge of UK bank interventions, the financial institution will, in time, check back for evidence of AML compliance implementation, including in the areas we have listed.
Bank de-risking is part of ArtAML™ Protection. This service is only available to businesses who are already signed up for our wider AML compliance program with a CDD Lite, CDD Trade, CDD Plus or CDD Team subscription plan.
Add ArtAML™ Protection when you purchase your CDD subscription, or get in touch with our Support Team if you’re already on a plan and wish to add ArtAML™ Protection.
Bank Audit Support
£250 /audit
or included in ArtAML™ Protection for £17.50 /month
Our Bank Audit Support includes:
- A review of what the bank has requested.
- After the business has drafted answers, we will have a call with you to review your answers, edit as necessary and answer any outstanding questions (typically between 30 mins – 1 hour).
- Based on the bank’s requirements and what you have in place, we will discuss and confirm with you next steps to implement what is required.
- You will have the option to send us a draft of your final email and answers for review.
- If the bank has further questions to answer, we will provide assistance as above.

We are impressed by the deep understanding and enthusiasm the ArtAML™ team brings to the space, their speed of response and their willingness to help with AML scenario based questions, no matter how complicated.
Tim Julian
Founder & President
Simon Oldfield Gallery