Find peace of mind with our comprehensive AML risk assessment and corresponding policy (with policies, controls and procedures).

All part of our full-circle AML solution.

Not only is it a smart idea to put these documents in place, for businesses regulated for AML compliance it is a requirement under law. After completing the Risk Assessment questionnaire in, our Compliance Team reviews your answers, asks additional questions for clarification and prepares documents for your review and implementation.

The AML Risk Assessment & Policy service is available to businesses in any location that are using our CDD solution. This is important as the mitigations outlined in the policy are predicated on using ArtAML™ for the conducting of customer due diligence.

The risk assessment identifies how your business might be targeted by economic crime – namely, money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation financing. The resulting risk rating is based upon objective methodology covers the five areas of risk: Customers; Geography; Products or Services; Transactions; and Delivery Channels. This document is to be made available to senior management.

The policies, controls and procedures outline how to mitigate risks identified in the risk assessment. A table included at the top of the document provides a quick guide with steps to take for those identified risks. The wider document goes into detail on how to perform customer due diligence supported by the ArtAML™ platform. Appendices include References with links for guidance, reporting and more; a Glossary with acronyms and their corresponding meanings; and an Internal SAR reporting template. The policy is to be made available to every team member, including customer-facing contractors. In the case of potentially suspicious activity, they can refer to the document for guidance and steps to take.


Your AML Checklist

In order to be approved as an Art Market Participant in the UK (with equivalent guidance in other EU member states), it’s important that you:

ArtAML Risk Assessment

Conduct a risk assessment

Identify risks of being a target of money-laundering activities

ArtAML Policy

Develop an AML Policy

Outline how to mitigate identified risks

AML Training

Attend AML Training

Understand Anti-Money Laundering compliance and your obligations

ArtAML™ is easy, simple and straightforward. Thank you so much.

Marianne Holtermann
Holtermann Fine Art

We simplify your AML Policy so you can concentrate on your businesses bigger picture

Conduct compliance checks, access our Risk Assessment module and download a full AML Risk Assessment Report from your dashboard.

Our AML Policy outlines how your business is mitigating identified risks, making use of the ArtAML™ platform to take a risk-based approach.

ArtAML Policy

Risk Assessment and AML Policy


ArtAML Checks

Risk Assessment and Policy designed with our customers in mind

Sign up to the ArtAML™ platform and we will guide you through the process of making your business AML compliant.

Sign up to ArtAML™

Find peace of mind knowing your AML compliance is in check