Feb 6, 2022 | Guidance, Industry consultations, Policy + Consultations, UK
An early attempt at highlighting vulnerabilities the art market faces of financial crimes was included in the National Risk Assessment 2020 (UK). ArtAML was involved as a key stakeholder, and we therefore understand the challenges that were faced in presenting...
Oct 28, 2021 | Industry consultations, Opinion, Policy + Consultations, UK
As a stakeholder for AML in the art market, ArtAML was invited to respond to two consultations with HM Treasury in autumn 2021 that look at developments in the Money Laundering Regulations as well as the Supervisory Regime. In addition to our official responses, we...
Sep 16, 2021 | Guidance, Policy + Consultations
HMRC as the UK’s regulator for money laundering has published risk guidance. The findings are the result of getting to know specific situations faced by the industry. The publication presents two tables that show: > Risks common to all Art Market...
Sep 15, 2021 | News, Opinion, Press
Riah Pryor reports on HMRC registration progress by UK art market participants. She sought input from ArtAML CEO Susan J Mumford and Canvas Art Law Founder / Director Fionnuala Rogers. According to Riah’s research, 475 businesses had registered as of 10th August...