Feb 6, 2022 | Guidance, Industry consultations, News, Opinion, Policy + Consultations, USA
At last, the findings from the 2021 U.S. study on the potential application of anti-money laundering in the art sector have been published. This article accordingly highlights top-level insights from the U.S. Treasury’s 40-page ‘Study of the Facilitation of Money...
Feb 6, 2022 | Guidance, Industry consultations, Policy + Consultations, UK
An early attempt at highlighting vulnerabilities the art market faces of financial crimes was included in the National Risk Assessment 2020 (UK). ArtAML was involved as a key stakeholder, and we therefore understand the challenges that were faced in presenting...
Feb 20, 2021 | News, Press
The art market has been dealing with a swathe of changes ranging from Brexit to anti-money laundering. In this letter by our CEO Susan J Mumford, she takes three recent breaking news items and provides a measured take. A quotation from the piece: “My take is not a...
Feb 12, 2021 | Our solution, Press
We’re delighted to have been interviewed for ArtTactic’s podcast series. Taking place prior to the passing of the National Defense Authorization Act 2021 (US), Podcast Host interviewed ArtAML CEO Susan J Mumford with cross-Atlantic fascination. Susan provided a...