Monthly Currency Conversion: EUR to GBP

Updated 5th March, 2025. The transaction value that triggers the need to conduct Customer Due Diligence is €10,000 (unless there's potentially suspicious activity, in which case value is...

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How do you conduct AML at an art fair?

Before anti-money laundering became a reality for art businesses, ArtAML™ founders Susan J Mumford and Chris King were asking and addressing the question. Such events can be a crucial activity for...

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Artists are not caught under AML in the UK

In June 2019, ArtAML™ Co-Founders Susan J Mumford and Dr. Chris King participated in the HM Treasury Consultation for the Transposition of the 5th Money Laundering Directive into UK law. In the...

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ArtAML™ Solutions

Need AML Sorted?

Breathe a sigh of relief:
we have an all-in-one solution to guide you through.

Customer Due Diligence

By using our platform designed specifically for Art Market Participants, we help you to fulfil compliance obligations without losing sales.

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AML Policy and Risk Assessment

Find peace of mind with our comprehensive risk assessments and AML policy.

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ArtAML™ Training

ArtAML™ Training will cover what you need to know about the Money Laundering Regulations and Proceeds of Crime Act to meet compliance obligations, provide insights for mitigating risks and protect your business.

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ArtAML™ Protection

An add-on to our CDD subscription plans, ArtAML™ Protection provides cost-effective access to support with interventions made by HMRC

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How can we help?

Get in touch with our team for support and advice